How A Specialist Recruitment Agency Could Save You Time And Money!
Running a profitable business is complex because there are so many contributing factors when it comes to the finer details of what makes a business successful or not. One primary concern, however, remains the same across all industries…the task of finding the right personnel; recruiting staff, as many CEO’s know, is a big challenge.
Recruitment agencies hold the key to this conundrum with access to the brightest of graduates and qualified staff. They’ve already waded through the resumes and eased out the star players…and it’s these star players that a good recruitment agency will provide access to.
Finding the right staff is key to ensuring long-term success for businesses of all sizes.
With the right personnel, business or organisation can flourish. The staff as a whole will create a positive working environment and culture and at best, they will achieve more than what was first prescribed.
Maximising profit, innovating within the sector and powering their team towards the brightest of futures; these are the kind of achievements all CEO’s want their teams to aspire to and indeed, to accomplish.
But how can anyone be assured of finding the right people for the job? Is a resume and interview ever enough? Can someone’s track record truly show what kind of person they are and what if it all goes wrong? One of the biggest concerns for organisations of all sizes is the sheer cost of bringing in new hires.
Cost of new hires
The cost in terms of both money and time involved in taking on a new member of staff is alarming when it’s broken down. Training costs, the hours spent on paperwork and introductory sessions are only a few. So when things go wrong, the loss can be severe.
A specialist recruitment agency such as The Aicila Group can save time and money but also eliminate doubt. The nagging worry that’s involved in choosing new personnel is always present simply because there’s so much riding on it.
Because specialist recruitment agencies are working within one industry and one industry alone, the risk is much lessened due to the in-depth knowledge which the recruiting team are party to.
The knowledge of who is best qualified for a position, paired with whose personality might be the best fit for a company is a valuable asset and one which is difficult to achieve for a business which has other priorities.
The general costs of a new hire which isn’t a good fit can be broken down as follows:
- Cost of advertisement and paperwork/staff time
- Potential relocation fees for new hires
- Knock-on effect on an existing team struggling to compensate for bad performance of new hire
- Delays on completion of current projects
- Loss of clients unhappy with service
- Brand damage
What are the benefits?
Recruitment agencies support your staff management in a way usually undertaken by an in-house HR department. Onboarding, training, wages and benefits can all be dealt with by someone other than your own in-house staff and that means more time for them to deal with what’s important…making a profit. It’s not all businesses that are set-up for their own recruitment processes. Even the largest can find onboarding an exhaustive and draining process so it makes sense to outsource to a specialist recruitment agency.
Sorting the wheat from the chaff
Recruitment agencies can locate the ideal candidates for each position no matter how complex the requirements of the position and provide your company with exactly what it needs in terms of personnel. You might not need a full-time, permanent staff member but recruitment agencies can provide you with candidates that are qualified and happy to work to your terms, saving you from employing someone for services that overshoot your needs.
Eliminating turnover is another concern for many businesses. Eliminating turnover means eliminating costs and time-wasting. Specialist recruitment agencies have the added strength of in-depth knowledge of many of their potential hires because some will already have successfully completed temporary employment through the agency, within other companies.
This first-hand knowledge of a candidate’s performance allows the agency to provide you with truly tried and tested candidates and also with candidates who are fully qualified, equipped and experienced for the roles you have to fill.
The cost of training new staff can be astronomical so locating people who are trained and ready-to-go is important when it comes to eliminating the lengthy training periods which “green” hires often require.
Looking out for your current employees
Utilising the services of a specialist recruitment agency can also be beneficial to your current workforce in a number of ways. For example, when your employees are overworked due to insufficient staffing, then they’re also stressed and probably unhappy. A stressed, unhappy workforce creates problems in the shape of poor performance which of course costs money. Hiring more staff via a specialist recruitment agency, protects your workforce and enables them to focus on their individual workloads effectively.
How to make the leap?
Joining forces with a specialist recruitment agency will allow your business to grow and flourish with the minimum output from your side. The continuing support which you will receive from your recruitment specialist is another important factor; should anything go awry you have the practical help you need at the ready.
Following an initial discussion with the recruitment specialist, where your needs and business will be assessed, you will then be provided with properly vetted and trained candidates which are deemed suitable for your opening. Should you require assistance in making your choice, this will be provided.
Your input is generally only in selection and interviewing (should you prefer to preside at your own interviews) and the rest is up to your agency. The amount of time and money saved is notable and you’ll see the benefits very quickly as your existing staff begin to feel the effects of suitable support as they work.
To learn more about The Aicila Group and what we can do for your business, please click here
Alicia Keenan is the Managing Director at The Aicila Group – a globally active and highly specialised animal health/nutrition and animal production recruitment and consulting company with HQ in Australia.
Connect with Alicia on LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter.
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