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Aicila Blog


By Hamzeh Bakri

Biaya yang perlu dikeluarkan perusahaan akibat kelelahan atau stres karyawan, mungkin saat ini tidak dapat diabaikan. Menurut beberapa perkiraan, ada potensi timbulnya krisis besar-besaran akibat pengeluaran yang berkaitan dengan kesehatan mental. Namun, pada dasarnya situasi ini tentu dapat dicegah. Survei mengenai Stres dan Kesejahteraan yang dilakukan oleh Australian Psychological Society menemukan bahwa 26% orang Australia…

Rekruter Spesialis Dapat Membantu Perusahaan Menghemat Uang Dan Waktu? Yuk, Simak Caranya!

By Hamzeh Bakri

Menjalankan usaha yang berlaba merupakan proses yang kompleks, karena banyaknya faktor yangberperan, terutama faktor faktor spesifik penentu kesuksesan atau kegagalan suatu usaha. Namun,ternyata ada satu faktor penentu keberhasilan bisnis yang ditemui di hampir semua lini bisnis, yaitu…….menemukan staf baru atau proses rekrutmen. Seperti diketahui, banyak CEO merasa bahwa prosesmencari staf merupakan tantangan yang besar. Agen…

career planning 101

Career Planning 101

By Hamzeh Bakri

Planning your career strategically is essential for long-term success and personal fulfillment. With a well-thought-out career plan, you can navigate the professional landscape, make informed decisions, and proactively shape your future. In this blog, we’ll explore practical steps to support developing a strategic career path that aligns with your goals, values, and aspirations. Planning your…

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Optimizing Your CV for Recruiter Databases

By Hamzeh Bakri

In today’s digital age, submitting a compelling curriculum vitae (CV) is crucial when applying for job opportunities. However, with the prevalence of recruiter databases and applicant tracking systems (ATS), it’s essential to optimize your CV for compatibility with these tools. By understanding how these systems work and making strategic adjustments to your CV, you can…

salary blog

Mastering Salary Negotiation

By Hamzeh Bakri

Welcome to the world of mastering salary negotiation! When it comes to negotiating your salary, being prepared and strategic can make all the difference. In this blog, we’ll walk you through 10 key steps to consider during the negotiation process. From conducting thorough research to understanding your worth, setting realistic targets, and prioritizing non-salary benefits.…

future proofing your career

Future Proofing Your Career

By Hamzeh Bakri

No one has a crystal ball, but there are certain steps you should be taking now to future-proof your employability. This can give you some confidence that there will be opportunities for you in the future. If your skills are in demand now and you’re well placed to find and keep jobs today, it pays…

career planning

Career Planning

By Hamzeh Bakri

Career planning is essential to achieving success in your chosen career. Knowing in which direction you are headed and what is required will help you to achieve your goal. Planning is a basic, yet key principle used by successful business people. Think of it as a road map. Formulate plans on a regular basis to…

success at work

Success At Work

By Hamzeh Bakri

You landed your dream job. Congratulations! Now what? Career development doesn’t end the day you land a job and it shouldn’t start again only when you decide to look for your next role. Taking ownership of your personal development will only help you carve out the career you desire. Being successful and productive at your…

interview tips

Interview Tips

By Hamzeh Bakri

Interviewing successfully is a skill that needs to be learned and cultivated just like any other. At The Aicila Group, our recruitment consultants work with you extensively throughout the whole process to prepare you for each interview stage. The better prepared you are, the more relaxed and comfortable you will be and your performance in…

selecting your referees

Selecting Your Referees

By Hamzeh Bakri

Referees are still very relevant in today’s jobs market. The referee’s recruiters and employers value the most are those people you reported to directly. These people can speak about how you used your skills and experience to add value to their organization. Reference checks are usually only done at the final stages of the recruiting…

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Don’t Be A Cliché

By Hamzeh Bakri

Phrases To Avoid On Your CV There are a lot of overused phrases and clichés that waste valuable space on a CV. Here are some of our suggestions of what you can replace the following overused phrases with to demonstrate your strengths instead. Remember that the proof is in your results, and that is what…

is your cv on point 1.1

Is Your CV On Point

By Hamzeh Bakri

You can’t undo a first impression. CV writing expectations have advanced a lot in recent times. Keep at the front of your mind that this is a document that a potential employer uses to make their first judgement about you – so you’ll want to ensure these judgements are positive. Don’t be daunted by the…

Graduates in Animal Health – Know your Worth

By Alicia Keenan

Catapulted from the cosy world of university and into the cold, hard reality of the world of work, many new graduates feel quite understandably lost. The first 6 months to a year can be especially hard on new graduates as they struggle to find their path and perhaps begin to compare their achievements or direction…

Caring for Your Employees’ Mental Health

By Alicia Keenan

The organisational costs of employee burnout cannot be overstated. By some estimates, we are reaching a full-blown crisis in this area, but this situation is preventable. A Stress and Wellbeing survey undertaken by the Australian Psychological Society found that 26% of Australians experience levels of anxiety that are higher than normal. A 2014 report found…

Are Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace Important?

By Alicia Keenan

In today’s modern workplace, diversity and inclusion in a safe workplace are more important than ever.  In fact, according to the Deloitte 2017 Global Human Capital Trends Report, 32 % more executives cited inclusion as a top priority than they did in the 2014 survey.  Moreover, the number of companies that self-reported themselves to be…

Employee Benefits – Why They Matter

By Alicia Keenan

Employee benefits may include a very wide range of possibilities. These are benefits which are provided to employees other than wages, and may often include a full suite of strong positives for current and prospective employees.  These benefits are integral to attracting the very best employees and retaining those employees. Many employers, in fact, regularly…

What Makes the Perfect Team?

By Alicia Keenan

A great team is indispensable and plays an integral role in the success of every corporation. For this reason, it is essential to learn the elements of what makes up an ideal team. Problems with employees and misunderstandings regarding team dynamics can lead to higher training costs and lost productivity, but the knowledge on how…

How Will the Animal Health and Nutrition Industry Change in the Next Five Years?

By Alicia Keenan

The Aicila Group is a niche provider of Human Resources and Management Consulting Services for industries associated with Animal Health and Nutrition, as well as Animal Production Industries. The Aicila Group offers global services to these companies, with a suite of professional services that help companies meet their business objectives, and solve some of their…

Analyse and Optimise your Workforce – Implementing Strategic Workforce Planning

By Alicia Keenan

What is strategic workforce planning? What does it require knowledge of? Strategic Workforce Planning (variably known as Workforce Planning and SWP) is one of the most misunderstood business phrases currently in use. If you were to speak to any number of people in business and ask them to explain SWP, the responses you’d garner would…

5 Ways to Get Noticed by Recruiters in the Animal Health Industry

By Alicia Keenan

Getting noticed is the first hurdle in your journey towards a career in the animal health industry. If you’re a graduate, this can be particularly overwhelming because you’ll doubtless feel some pressure as you step into the world of careers and work which can be extremely competitive.  Whether your degree is in animal science, agricultural…

Why is it Important to Partner with a Socially Engaged Agency?

By Alicia Keenan

A socially engaged agency is one which has a very active presence on social media platforms, for instance Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter, as well as user forums and other discussion sites. By having a strong social presence on these platforms, a consulting agency working on your behalf will be aware of all discussion about your…

How A Specialist Recruitment Agency Could Save You Time And Money!

By Alicia Keenan

Running a profitable business is complex because there are so many contributing factors when it comes to the finer details of what makes a business successful or not. One primary concern, however, remains the same across all industries…the task of finding the right personnel; recruiting staff, as many CEO’s know, is a big challenge. Recruitment…


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